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How Veteran Owned Businesses Benefit From Display Advertising

Display advertising is a form of online advertising where visual ads are placed on websites, apps, or social media platforms. The purpose of display ads is to attract the attention of potential customers and encourage them to click through to a website or take a desired action. Display advertising is online advertising that displays ads on websites, apps, or social media platforms. These ads typically include visual elements like images, graphics, or videos, and are designed to grab the attention of potential customers and encourage them to take a desired action, such as clicking through to a website, signing up for a service, or making a purchase.

Display advertising can take many forms, including banner ads, pop-up ads, video ads, native ads, and retargeting ads. These ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on factors such as location, interests, demographics, and behavior, allowing businesses to reach the right people with their advertising messages. Businesses often use display advertising to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive traffic to their websites, and increase sales. By creating compelling ads and targeting them to the right audiences, businesses can create effective advertising campaigns that deliver measurable results.

Display ads can come in a variety of formats, including:

  1. Banner Ads: Banner ads are rectangular graphics displayed at a web page's top, bottom, or sides. They usually contain a combination of text, images, and sometimes animation. Banner ads can be static or dynamic, and they come in a variety of sizes.

  2. Pop-up Ads: Pop-up ads are windows that open up in front of or behind the browser window. They can be either automatic or user-initiated. Pop-up ads can be effective, but they can also be intrusive and annoying.

  3. Video Ads: Video ads are short video clips that play before, during, or after online video content. They can be either skippable or non-skippable. Skippable video ads allow viewers to skip the ad after a few seconds, while non-skippable video ads must be watched in their entirety.

  4. Native Ads: Native ads are ads that are designed to match the look and feel of the website or app where they are displayed. They blend in with the surrounding content and are often presented as sponsored content.

  5. Retargeting Ads: Retargeting ads are ads that are shown to people who have previously visited a website or taken a specific action, such as adding a product to their shopping cart. Retargeting ads are designed to remind these people of the product or service they were interested in and encourage them to return to the website to complete the purchase.

Display advertising can be a highly effective way to reach a large audience and drive traffic to a website or landing page. Businesses can create successful display ad campaigns that generate leads, sales, and brand awareness by choosing the correct format for their goals and target audience.

Display advertising can offer several benefits to businesses, including:

Increased Brand Awareness

Display ads can help to increase brand awareness by exposing a business's brand, product, or service to a larger audience. By using eye-catching visuals, businesses can grab the attention of potential customers and make a lasting impression.

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which a target audience is familiar with and recognizes a particular brand. It is an important metric for businesses because it can influence customer purchasing behavior, build customer loyalty, and increase market share.

There are different levels of brand awareness, including:

  1. Brand recognition: This refers to a consumer's ability to recognize a brand based on its name, logo, packaging, or other visual cues.

  2. Brand recall refers to a consumer's ability to recall a brand from memory when presented with a product or service category.

  3. Brand preference Refers to a consumer's preference for a particular brand over others in the same category.

  4. Brand loyalty refers to a consumer's repeated purchase of a brand over time and willingness to recommend it to others.

Display advertising can be a highly effective way for businesses to increase brand awareness, as it allows them to reach a large audience and showcase their brand in a visually engaging way. By creating eye-catching ads that are targeted to the right audience, businesses can increase the visibility of their brand, generate interest, and build familiarity with their products or services. Over time, this can lead to increased brand recognition, recall, preference, and loyalty, ultimately driving sales and revenue.

Targeted Advertising

Display ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on factors such as location, interests, age, gender, and more. This targeting can help businesses to reach the right people with their ads, increasing the chances of conversions and sales.

Targeted advertising is a form of advertising that uses data and technology to deliver ads to specific audiences based on various factors such as demographics, interests, behavior, location, and more. By targeting specific audiences, advertisers can increase the relevance of their ads, improve their chances of reaching potential customers, and optimize their advertising spend.

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Targeted advertising can take many forms:

  1. Demographic targeting: This involves targeting ads to specific demographic groups such as age, gender, income, and education level.

  2. Behavioral targeting: This involves targeting ads to people based on their online behavior, such as websites they visit, searches they make, and content they engage with.

  3. Geolocation targeting: This involves targeting ads to people based on their physical location, such as city, state, or zip code.

  4. Interest targeting: This involves targeting ads to people based on their interests and hobbies, such as sports, music, or fashion.

  5. Lookalike targeting: This involves targeting ads to people who are similar to an advertiser's existing customers based on characteristics such as demographics, behavior, and interests.

By using targeted advertising, businesses can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their ad campaigns, reduce wasted ad spend, and increase the chances of reaching potential customers who are most likely to be interested in their products or services.


Display advertising can be cost-effective, especially compared to other advertising forms like TV, radio, or print media. Many display advertising platforms use a pay-per-click model, meaning businesses only pay when someone clicks on their ad, reducing the risk of wasted advertising spend.

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Best ways for display advertising to be cost-effective:

  1. Targeted advertising: Targeting the right audience is key to a cost-effective display advertising campaign. Defining your target audience, interests, and demographics is important. By targeting a specific audience, you can ensure that the right people see your ads and that your advertising budget is not wasted on irrelevant impressions.

  2. Ad placement: The placement of your ads can impact the effectiveness and cost of your display advertising campaign. Placing your ads on high-traffic websites or relevant industry publications can increase your reach and improve your chances of reaching your target audience.

  3. Ad formats: Choosing the right ad format can also impact the cost-effectiveness of your campaign. Consider using responsive ads that can adapt to different devices and screen sizes, or use engaging formats such as video or interactive ads to capture your audience's attention and increase engagement rates.

  4. A/B testing: A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of an ad to see which one performs better. You can optimize your display advertising campaign and improve cost-effectiveness by testing different ad creatives, headlines, and calls to action.

  5. Bid management: Careful bid management is essential to ensuring your display advertising campaign stays within budget. Consider using automated bidding strategies that can help you maximize your return on investment while staying within your budget.

  6. Conversion tracking: Setting up conversion tracking can help you measure the effectiveness of your display advertising campaign and optimize it for better performance. You can identify which ads perform best by tracking conversions and adjusting your campaign accordingly.

By implementing these strategies, you can help make your display advertising campaign more cost-effective and maximize your return on investment.

Measurable Results

Display advertising can give businesses measurable results, such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). This data can be used to optimize ad campaigns, ensuring businesses get the best possible results from their advertising spend. Display advertising provides measurable results, which is one of its significant advantages over traditional forms of advertising.

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Examples of measurable results in online advertising:

  1. Click-through rate (CTR): CTR is the number of clicks on an ad divided by the number of times the ad was shown (impressions). It is a common metric used to measure an ad campaign's effectiveness and optimize ad placement and targeting.

  2. Conversion rate: Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as purchasing, filling out a form, or signing up for a service. By tracking conversion rates, businesses can measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and optimize them for maximum conversions.

  3. Return on investment (ROI): ROI measures the profitability of an advertising campaign, calculated as the revenue generated by the campaign minus the cost of the campaign. By tracking ROI, businesses can determine the effectiveness of their ad spend and adjust their strategies accordingly.

  4. Engagement metrics: Engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, comments, and followers, can be used to measure the success of social media advertising campaigns. By tracking these metrics, businesses can gauge the level of engagement with their target audience and adjust their content and targeting strategies accordingly.

Overall, online advertising provides businesses with a wealth of data and analytics that can be used to measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their ad spend and maximize their return on investment.


Display advertising allows businesses to use retargeting ads, which can help to bring people who have previously shown interest in their products or services back to their website. Retargeting ads can be highly effective at driving conversions and sales by targeting people who have already interacted with their business.

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Here are some benefits of retargeting:

  1. Increased brand recall: Retargeting keeps a brand or product in front of potential customers who have already shown an interest in it, increasing the chances of brand recall and conversion.

  2. Higher conversion rates: Retargeting allows businesses to target users who have already shown an interest in their products or services, making them more likely to convert into customers. According to industry data, retargeted ads have a click-through rate that is ten times higher than regular display ads.

  3. Cost-effective: Retargeting can be a cost-effective form of advertising because it targets users who have already shown an interest in a brand or product, reducing the likelihood of wasted ad spend.

  4. Improved targeting: Retargeting allows businesses to target specific users who have already shown an interest in their products or services, making it a highly targeted form of advertising that can improve overall ad effectiveness.

  5. Improved ROI: By targeting users already familiar with a brand or product, retargeting can help businesses improve their return on investment (ROI) and generate more revenue from their ad spend.

Retargeting can be an effective way for businesses to stay top-of-mind with potential customers, increase conversion rates, and improve overall ad effectiveness while remaining cost-effective.

Display advertising can be an effective way for businesses to increase their brand awareness, reach targeted audiences, and generate leads and sales. Businesses can create successful advertising campaigns that achieve their goals and provide measurable results by using the right display ad format and targeting options.

Learn more about ExactFreedom's advertising services dedicated exclusively to veteran-owned companies.